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Make Music Class Meaningful: Why Your Students NEED Theme-Based Learning

Writer's picture: Cassie JansenCassie Jansen

“Why do we have to learn this?”

While your jaw clenches and you hold on to your forced smile with every ounce of your being, you look back at your 9 year old nemesis and think, “How dare you?” realizing your nostrils are flaring and your left eye is starting to twitch.

The worst part about this scenario is that, as infuriating as it can be when some student with a bad attitude questions you, the student has a right to know. Part of our job as music teachers (as defined by current National Standards of Music Education) is to help students understand the connection between music and other content areas. Or, to quote the 2014 National Music Standards, “explain connection to specific purpose and context (such as social, cultural, and historical).” You can find the standards HERE.

So how do we do that?

Enter: Theme-based learning.

Theme-based learning is teaching multiple content areas/concepts in the context of a common theme.

Peartree Learning identifies the major benefits of theme-based learning:

  1. Through a theme-based approach, children learn to make connections constantly, thereby developing a much deeper and broader level of understanding than traditional learning can compete with.

  2. When students are able to see how certain facts and ideas connect with other subjects, we are adding meaning to the curriculum.

  3. When students learn through a theme, they are learning in context. This not only helps students understand what they are learning (and why they are learning it), but also to attach ideas and skills to specific contexts.

Okay, that sounds great, but how do I start?

Here’s an example…A third grade teacher in my school does a fantastic job of recognizing and celebrating different heritages, like hispanic heritage month, or Italian American month. It would be a natural connection to talk about composers of the same heritage, play related music, etc.

Want to dive in even further? Talk to grade level teachers about major historical concepts/events they teach. Or what books are the “standards” they read every year. Maybe your 4th graders are reading Castle in the Attic as a class. If their mindsets are already there, why not continue that same theme in music? *You could design your own activities to use with your class, or save time by checking out this Medieval Music Resources Bundle.

If you REALLY wanted to go for it: Can you imagine the possibilities here… I saw a pin about a teacher transforming her classroom into a “bakery” to fully implement project-based learning. (Check out the pin HERE.)

If you were to collaborate with a grade level teacher and find ways to teach/explore/experience your curricular concepts with that same theme…. Can you even imagine the impact it would have on students?? *If you are fortunate enough to work with a teacher with this kind of drive, you might want to check out THIS BAKERY BUNDLE.

Love the bakery but need to simplify?

  • Have your students compose a jingle to advertise for their bakery.

  • Or maybe they talk about what kind of music would be appropriate to play inside the bakery.

  • Or maybe you compose rhythm ostinatos to help them remember the ingredients they need from the store (flour, sugar, chocolate chips, milk).

With an obvious direction, music activities become more meaningful to students.

And to YOU!

Umm, Hello?! Do you not see us drowning?!

I know the thought of trying to collaborate with other teachers right now might be enough to make you rethink your day job.

That’s ok. Let’s dial it back for a minute. Yes, you’re still an amazing teacher. You can still incorporate this style of learning in your classroom (without talking to even one other person!?).

I LIVE for storytelling in the classroom. In kindergarten, I tell the story of my friend Herman (who’s actually a worm) and we sing Herman the Worm as a name game warm-up. The next day, Herman eats “Burnie” when we sing the song. (If you don’t know the song, this won’t make sense. Check it out here…) Burnie is actually a bee and is having a really rough day because first he stung a man upon his knee (Bee, Bee, Bumblebee) and then he got eaten by Herman. He decides to leave town and sneaks on a boat. That’s where he meets Bobby Shafto!

I literally connect every song with a story, and here’s what happens. Students remember words to songs better, they are more engaged because they always want to hear what happens next in the story, and they are more likely to find joy in make-believe sorts of games in music class.

Major Takeaways:

  1. Theme-based learning is teaching multiple content areas/concepts in the context of a common theme.

  2. Theme-based learning helps students make connections, apply knowledge, and retain information.

  3. Chat with grade level teachers to see what major units they teach- there may already be obvious connections.

  4. Can you make simple connections through storytelling in your own classroom?

Action Item:

Think of a concept that needs a student-engagement boost or something that constantly needs reviewing.

What context can you provide to enhance meaning for students?

Looking for inspiration? Visit my store and check out my custom categories. :)

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